Volume 18, No. 6, 2021

Employees’ Perception Regarding Performance Appraisal System On Their Commitment And Turnover Intention: (A Case Study Of Hbl And Nbp Sukkur Region)

Meer Hassan Ghoto , Mashooque Ali , Dr. Hakim Ali Mahesar


The purpose of this study was to evaluate employees’ perception of performance appraisal of banking sector of Sukkur region and its impact on employee work outcomes, affective commitment and turnover intention were selected. To achieve study specific three objectives and their underlying hypotheses were designed and evaluated based on quantitative research design. On the proposed hypotheses, the concerned literature were reviewed. Most of the literature shows that employees’ perception of performance appraisal has a significant impact on employee work outcomes. The required data was collected through adopted questionnaire while conducting this study. The questionnaire was adopted from prior related studies, while the questionnaire contains three variables and 24 items, eight items for each. The reliability and validity of the adopted items the Cronbach's Alpha and content validity test were carried out. Moreover, the total 300 questionnaire were distributed among bank employees of both banks (NBP & HBL) in Sukkur region, among 287 questionnaires were received back, of which 30 questionnaires were excluded due to incomplete answers. Thus, remaining correct complete 257 questionnaires data were analyzed in EXCEL, SPSS v 25.0 and SMART-PLS. The findings is seen as Cronbach's Alpha .920 of 24 items which is greater than considered is acceptable. Whereas, the t-statistics 21.010 which is larger than 1.96.While the P-Value is 0.000 which is < 0.05. Both results of t-statistics and P-value regarding the first hypothesis were considered. Thus, t-statistics is 20.880 which is larger than 1.96.While the P-Value is 0.000 which is < 0.05 regarding second hypothesis which shows the positive relation of EPA on turnover intention, but this study was analyzing the negative impact of EPA on turnover. Therefore, The results of this study shows that, the employees of both banks (NBP & HBL) has low level of satisfaction regarding performance appraisal practices. Whereas, EPA has positive and significant impact on affective commitment, and as results recommended that EPA has positive and significant relation with turnover intention while the study was analyzing EPA has negative relation with Turnover Intention. However, the first hypothesis accepted and second hypothesis rejected.

Pages: 2942-2963

Keywords: Employyes’ Perception of PA, Performance Appraisal, Affective Commitment, Turnover Intention.

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