Volume 16, No 1, 2019

Use Of Intoxicants And Its Effect On Educational Achievement: A Comparative Study Between Adolescent Boys And Girls



Drug addiction, smoking and tobacco use are some of the evils of the society which are responsible for different kinds of social chaos. Mostly these evil habits are formed during the adolescent period of one’s life. These are first used generally out of curiosity, pursuit of fun and pleasure. No one is born drug dependent and smoker but actually becomes so in emulating the behaviour of parents, friends and other members of the society. The use of intoxicates is socio-psychological problem. The highly competitive and success oriented style of living in this era creates many odds for a large number of young people. These situations may lead to stress and one tries to seek instant relief from it by using intoxicants. The current paper is a study to know if the adolescent boys and girls show different attitudes while it comes to use of intoxicants. The influence of intoxicants on educational achievement is also a major concern of the study.

Pages: 251-255

Keywords: intoxicants, adolescents, educational achievement, society

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