Volume 18, No. 6, 2021
Improving Academic Adjustment Of Secondary School Students Through Emotional Literacy Training
Mary I. Anselem & Immaculata N. Akanaeme
The effect of emotional literacy training on academic adjustment of junior secondary 2 (JS 2) students in Enugu State was explored in this study. The study was led by three particular study aims, three research questions, and three null hypotheses. The study was conducted using a quasiexperimental approach with a non-equivalent control group. The participants in this study were 23,780 JS2 students from Enugu State's co-educational public secondary institutions. A total of 161 JS2 pupils were selected through a multi-stage sampling approach, with 91 men and 70 females picked from four intact classes. The data for the study was gathered using the Students' Academic Adjustment Questionnaire (SAAQ). Five specialists from the Faculty of Education, University of Nigeria Nsukka, validated the instrument: two from Educational Psychology, two from Measurement and Evaluation, and one from Adult Education. Using the Cronbach Alpha formula, an internal consistency reliability estimate of 0.82 was obtained. To answer the research objectives, the data was analyzed using mean and standard deviation, as well as analyses of covariance (ANCOVA) to test the null hypotheses at the 0.05 level of significance. The findings of this study revealed that emotional literacy training had a significant impact on JS2 students' academic adjustment in Enugu State. Furthermore, the findings of the study revealed that gender had no bearing on the students' academic adjustment. The study also found that the treatment and gender interaction effect on pupils' academic adjustment was not significant. It was suggested that curriculum developers integrate emotional literacy training in the curriculum based on the findings of this study.
Pages: 4770-4783
Keywords: Academic Adjustment, Emotional Literacy Training, Secondary School Students