Volume 18, No. 6, 2021
An Examination Of Teachers’ Instructional Practices Fostering Student’s Engagement
Dr. Zahid Ullah , Dr. Nosheen Saba , Dr. Sumera Imran , Dr. Muhammad Abouzar , Muhammad Fazil, Sher Daraz
PURPOSE: This qualitative study examined how teachers fostered student engagement during teaching learning process. Teacher Instructional practices inculcates cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains of the students. Purpose of the study is to engage students in their learning process and enable students to perform individual and group assignment and to foster problem solving skills. This study also aims to transform Meta cognitive skills in students. METHODOLOGY: This research study was conducted using qualitative research where Interviews were conducted in order to capture deep understanding of the phenomena. Ten semi-structured interviews were conducted with secondary school chemistry teachers and were analyzed using thematic analysis technique. The qualitative research allowed the researcher to interview participants for an in depth semi structured interview to examine how teachers instructional practices foster students classroom engagement. Ten chemistry teachers were purposively selected in public secondary schools of District Mardan. In this research study purposive sampling technique was employed to select the Participants. FINDINGS: Based on participants classroom teaching experiences following findings were produced: 1. Teachers utilize Variety of Instructional practices regarding the ability of students to strengthen their learning 2. Teacher Instructional practices and Individual differences 3. Elements of teaching practices fostering student’s engagement 4. Factors affecting teacher’s instructional practices 5. Teaching learning outcome: Memorization or problem solving SIGNIFICANCE: Findings of this study produced some key significant parameters for various stakeholders: Practices (Teachers) This research work will help to inform PITE (provincial institute for teacher education) to train and reshape teacher subject knowledge as well pedagogical content knowledge through self development and self reflection courses. The study will invigorate chemistry teachers to alter traditional teaching practices with learners centered constructivist learning environments. Directorate of Curriculum and Teacher Education This study will help to attract the attention of directorate of education to establish a constructivist environment in school. This study will also help to inform policy makers to add to the existing body of knowledge of how pedagogical decision making will contribute to the kinds of pedagogical instruction in our school context.
Pages: 6605-6610
Keywords: Instructional Practices, Students Engagement, Meta Cognition, Individual differences.