Volume 18, No. 6, 2021
Context Aware Matrix-Based Symmetric Algorithm For Data Security In Public Cloud
Dr. D. I. George Amalarethinam , Ms. S. Edel Josephine Rajakumari
Cloud computing is a trending technological paradigm that attains rapid growth in various domains. Cloud computing is popular for its on-demand services and remote access worldwide. A simple internet connection establishes an interface with the cloud environment and facilitates several services at any time. Technology advancement and changeover of lifestyle make cloud computing an inevitable activity. It includes storing sensitive data subject to serious data privacy and security concerns. In recent days, the untrustworthiness of cloud service providers (CSP) and various data breach have enabled cloud computing as an emerging topic. A novel technique proposed, Context Aware Matrix-based Symmetric Algorithm (CAMSA), a robust cryptographic mechanism that encrypts the numerical data, in a file based on specific criteria before storing it in the cloud. CAMSA performs encryption using the context information with appropriate user tasks. Unless with the decryption key, the original data cannot be retrieved. Most traditional cryptographic systems consume more time for processing encryption and decryption. The proposed CAMSA, a data partitioning mechanism for quick processing, to address this issue. To evaluate the performance of the proposed CAMSA, a comparison is done with the standard symmetric key algorithms and Matrix-based Symmetric Algorithm (MSA). The observation among three algorithms is conducted with encryption time, decryption time and security strength. The experimental works prove on evaluation metrics that the time consumed for proposed execution is minimal and more prominent than the existing cryptography methods.
Pages: 7169-7186
Keywords: Encryption, Decryption, Cloud service providers (CSP), Cloud Computing, Context Aware Symmetric Algorithm.