Volume 19, No. 5, 2022

Perceptual Parameters And Vocal Self-Perception Of A Teachers Group Due To The Permanent Use Of Masks In The Covid-19 Pandemic

Katia Lucia Zambrano Ruiz , Marinella Álvarez Borrero and Eustorgio Amed Salazar


A descriptive study with a quantitative approach and cross-sectional design, whose purpose was to determine the perception and self-perception of a teacher group's vocal conditions from an Official Educational Institution from the Department of Sucre in Colombia. The population consisted of 80 teachers aged between 25 and 70 years, to whom the evaluative guidelines survey for organizational factors and vocal hygiene, vocal fatigue self-perception. It starts from A and B, adapted by López and Yévenez (2018) was applied. ) and the RASAT perceptual evaluation scale proposed by Rebelo and Pontes (2002). The Epi Info statistical package was used for data coding. The results showed an average workload of 28.72 hours per week in organizational factors terms. With a high student rate in the classroom. It oscillates in a range of 27 to 40 students. This situation generates a greater exposure time due to the prolonged use of the voice, adding to this a higher voice volume, causing greater muscular and vocal overload. Additionally, the findings in the medical history refer more frequently to gastroesophageal reflux and upper respiratory tract diseases of allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, and laryngopharyngitis which can increase vocal signs and symptoms. Regarding the behavior that contributes to tissue injuries in the larynx, a high percentage was evidenced in the habit of drinking coffee and sudden changes in temperature. As well, the students report being exposed to noisy environments and speaking in an inappropriate voice tone. In the description of vocal fatigue self-perception, they feel improvement in their voice after having rested and consider that in the presence of hoarseness their voice improves with rest. In addition, they self-perceive discomfort in the neck when speaking, weak voice, sore throat, vocal effort, hoarse voice, and poor projection due to the use of the mask. In relation to vocal condition perception, they show greater affectation in the moderate category in the parameters of hoarseness, roughness, and tension, after prolonged masks use. In conclusion, the use of the mask denotes changes in the vocal quality of those who wear it, which in the long term could generate vocal dysfunctions or dysphonia.

Pages: 29-42

Keywords: self-perception, perception, teachers, voice, dysphonia

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