Volume 18, No. 2, 2021

The Leadership Traits: Analysing the Role of Harpreet Singh Bedi in the Film Rocket Singh: Salesman of the Year

Pallavi Tandon, Dr. Shikha Mishra and Dr. Jyotsna Diwan Mehta


This descriptive and analytical paper on leader traits of Harpreet Singh Bedi, protagonist of the film Rocket Singh: Salesman of the Year aims to identify leader traits of Bedi and study its impact on organization, employees and customers. The paper comprises of extensive secondary literature on leaderships traits and critical analysis of the film in order to establish the link between positive leadership, organization and customer satisfaction. A highly motivated and positive leader influence and motivates his team, helps the business to grow, organization to flourish and customers to remain satisfied and loyal.

Pages: 363-373

DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V18I2/WEB18326

Keywords: Leadership, Leadership Traits, Organizational Culture, Customer Satisfaction, Positive Leadership, Employee Satisfaction.

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