Volume 19, No. 2, 2022
Student Needs-Oriented E-Training Model In Society Era 5.0
Joko Sutarto , Tri Joko Raharjo , Imam Shofwan , Yudi Siswanto , Barokah Isdaryanti
Element’s necessity profession that ssustainable must become point fundamental deep implementation Increased quality source power human attempt Increased quality employees in the ministry of religious affairs. Besides necessity Increased profession, Training official must Refers at Fulfillment necessity other deep run profession official. To know necessity deep Activities Training must do analysis necessity Participants Training. Research this Aims Analyze and Describe characteristic and implementation education and eexercise in society 5.0. Research this use Approach Qualitative. Subject research Comes from Informant key like Organizers, committee, widyaswara- instructor and Participants Education and Training. Collection data use interview Deep, Observation and documentation. Validity data with Triangulation source and method. Analysis data through Reduction data Serving data Withdrawal conclusion and verification. Result research find that to Develop knowledge, Skills, attitude Mental and personality official in order to get Implement tasks government and building with Best-Good. At the planning stage, Bureau Planning and unit related Body R&D Religion and Hall Religious discuss proposal priority necessity Education and training every unit organization navel and area. Activities Education and training collision with use online media with the BDK Learning Center platform. Monitoring Implemented when education and Training still last. Evaluation Management education and Training that Held by Hall Education and Training Religious Semarang be Thought towards success planning, implementation and Reporting Activities appropriate with purpose that want Reached.
Pages: 2970-2983
Keywords: The era of globalization shown towards digital technology, requires the availability of competent human resources in order to compensate.