Volume 18, No. 6, 2021

Indian MCX Financial Market Volatility In Wave 1 & 2 Covid19 Pandemic

Ritu Kothiwal , Maharaju Ashwini , R.Ashok


The MCX role has been expanded over the years as it has Partnered with exchanges from across the world giving it Clients a bigger platform over which they can improve their portfolio. It has also allowed foreign investors to directly invest within the country increasing the country’s revenue. These improvements have led to varied sectors domestic growth but declines in global commodity prices. The pandemic signifies a singular shock on impact of both the demand and supply of commodities. Oil markets affected most, due to the collapse in travel arising from measures on mitigation, and an unprecedented collapse in demand and on record decline in oil prices. Metals prices have also fallen, while agricultural prices are much less affected due to incidental relationship with economic activity. The current research paper mainly focuses on the changes in the Base metals, Precious Metals, and Energy’s during the pandemic and how did it effect the Indian Financial Market.

Pages: 1616-1622

Keywords: Base Metals, Precious Metals, Energy’s, MCX Limited, Economy, Growth, Covid 19, Pandemic, and Investors

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